Integrated Academic System


Sistem Informasi Akademik Campus Terintegrasi

Profil Mahasiswa
Jenis Kelamin : Perempuan
Jenjang Studi : S1
NIM : 160203048
Semester Awal : 2016 / Ganjil
Status Studi : MUTASI

No Semester Status SKS
1 2016/2017Ganjil AKTIF 21
2 2016/2017Genap AKTIF 21
3 2017/2018Ganjil AKTIF 0
4 2017/2018Genap AKTIF 22
5 2018/2019Ganjil AKTIF 22
6 2018/2019Genap AKTIF 22
7 2019/2020Ganjil AKTIF 20
8 2019/2020Genap AKTIF 12
9 2020/2021Ganjil AKTIF 20
10 2020/2021Genap AKTIF 24
11 2021/2022Ganjil AKTIF 12
12 2021/2022Genap AKTIF 12
13 2022/2023Ganjil AKTIF 12
14 2022/2023Genap AKTIF 24

No Semester Kode Matakuliah Nama Matakuliah SKS
1 2016/2017Ganjil PBI16009 Grammar - I 2
2 2016/2017Ganjil PBI16005 Speaking - I 2
3 2016/2017Ganjil PBI16001 Listening - I 2
4 2016/2017Ganjil PBI16008 Reading Comprehension - I 2
5 2016/2017Ganjil PBI16004 Vocabulary and Pronunciation - I 2
6 2016/2017Ganjil PBI16007 Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan 2
7 2016/2017Ganjil PBI16010 Bahasa Inggris 2
8 2016/2017Ganjil PBI16003 Matematika Dasar 2
9 2016/2017Ganjil PBI16006 Bahasa Arab 2
10 2016/2017Ganjil PBI16002 Ulumul Quran dan Ulumul Hadits 3
11 2017/2018Ganjil PBI16032 Studi Syari'at Islam di Aceh 2
12 2017/2018Ganjil PBI16027 Psikologi Pendidikan 2
13 2017/2018Ganjil PBI16021 Manajemen Pendidikan 2
14 2017/2018Ganjil PBI16031 Grammar - III 2
15 2017/2018Ganjil PBI16026 Speaking - III 2
16 2017/2018Ganjil PBI16035 Listening - III 2
17 2017/2018Ganjil PBI16030 Reading Comprehension - III 2
18 2017/2018Ganjil PBI16024 Writing - II 2
19 2017/2018Ganjil PBI16033 Translation - I 2
20 2017/2018Ganjil PBI16022 Bilingual Education 2
21 2017/2018Ganjil PBI16025 Filsafat Ilmu 2
22 2018/2019Ganjil PBI16047 Sosiologi Pendidikan 2
23 2018/2019Ganjil PBI16048 English Language Assessment 4
24 2018/2019Ganjil PBI16050 English Language Research - I 2
25 2018/2019Ganjil PBI16051 Teaching Methodology 4
26 2018/2019Ganjil PBI16052 METODOLOGI PENELITIAN 2
27 2018/2019Ganjil PBI16053 Introduction to Linguistics 2
28 2018/2019Ganjil PBI16054 English Literature - II 2
29 2018/2019Ganjil PBI16023 Sejarah Peradaban Islam 2
30 2018/2019Ganjil PBI16049 Academic Writing 2
31 2019/2020Ganjil PBI16071 English for Academic Purposes - II 2
32 2019/2020Ganjil PBI16068 Discourse Analysis 2
33 2019/2020Ganjil PBI16065 Cross Cultural Understanding 2
34 2019/2020Ganjil PBI16031 Grammar - III 2
35 2019/2020Ganjil PBI16049 Academic Writing 2
36 2019/2020Ganjil PBI16069 Leadership and Management 2
37 2019/2020Ganjil PBI16064 Entrepreneurship 2
38 2019/2020Ganjil PBI16066 Micro Teaching 2
39 2019/2020Ganjil PBI16030 Reading Comprehension - III 2
40 2020/2021Ganjil PBI16069 Leadership and Management 2
41 2020/2021Ganjil PBI16065 Cross Cultural Understanding 2
42 2020/2021Ganjil PBI16072 PPKPM 8
43 2020/2021Ganjil PBI16073 Skripsi 4
44 2020/2021Ganjil PBI16064 Entrepreneurship 2
45 2021/2022Ganjil PBI16073 Skripsi 4
46 2021/2022Ganjil PBI16072 PPKPM 8
47 2022/2023Ganjil PBI16073 Skripsi 4
48 2022/2023Ganjil PBI16072 PPKPM 8
49 2016/2017Genap PBI16019 Bahasa Indonesia 2
50 2016/2017Genap PBI16015 Fiqh dan Ushul Fiqh 3
51 2016/2017Genap PBI16012 Filsafat Umum 2
52 2016/2017Genap PBI16018 Ilmu Pendidikan 2
53 2016/2017Genap PBI16014 Grammar - II 2
54 2016/2017Genap PBI16011 Speaking - II 2
55 2016/2017Genap PBI16017 Listening - II 2
56 2016/2017Genap PBI16013 Reading Comprehension - II 2
57 2016/2017Genap PBI16020 Writing - I 2
58 2016/2017Genap PBI16016 Vocabulary and Pronunciation - II 2
59 2017/2018Genap PBI16042 Metodologi Studi Islam 2
60 2017/2018Genap PBI16044 English Literature - I 2
61 2017/2018Genap PBI16040 Translation - II 2
62 2017/2018Genap PBI16041 Advanced Listening 2
63 2017/2018Genap PBI16045 Writing - III 2
64 2017/2018Genap PBI16036 Introduction to English Proficiency Tests 4
65 2017/2018Genap PBI16037 Filsafat Pendidikan 2
66 2017/2018Genap PBI16046 Public Speaking 2
67 2017/2018Genap PBI16038 Academic Reading 2
68 2017/2018Genap PBI16043 Grammar and Communication 2
69 2018/2019Genap PBI16055 Computer Assisted Language Learning 2
70 2018/2019Genap PBI16057 English Language Research - II 2
71 2018/2019Genap PBI16058 Seminar and Discussion 2
72 2018/2019Genap PBI16059 Instructional Media 2
73 2018/2019Genap PBI16039 Statistik Pendidikan 2
74 2018/2019Genap PBI16056 English Course Design 4
75 2018/2019Genap PBI16063 English Curriculum Development 2
76 2018/2019Genap PBI16060 Linguistics 2
77 2018/2019Genap PBI16062 English for Academic Purposes - I 2
78 2019/2020Genap PBI16039 Statistik Pendidikan 2
79 2019/2020Genap PBI16019 Bahasa Indonesia 2
80 2019/2020Genap PBI16018 Ilmu Pendidikan 2
81 2019/2020Genap PBI16060 Linguistics 2
82 2020/2021Genap PBI16072 PPKPM 8
83 2020/2021Genap PBI16073 Skripsi 4
84 2021/2022Genap PBI16073 Skripsi 4
85 2022/2023Genap PBI16073 Skripsi 4

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